
For voters with impaired vision there will be a ballot paper template available for use in each polling station. Details of the candidates corresponding to each position on the template is available by calling our freephone number 1 800 622 574. The text of the freephone message is reproduced below.

FREEPHONE NUMBER - 1 800 622 574

Welcome to the Constituency of Kerry’s Audio helpline for the 2020 General Election.
Press one to hear the ballot paper instructions in English.
Fáilte róimh go dtí líne chabhrach na bpáipéir ballóide dáilcheantar Cíarraí.
Brúigh uimhir a dó chun an teachtaireacht a chloisteáil i nGaeilge.

1 - English
If you are a vision impaired voter wishing to vote in secret, ask the Presiding Officer at your polling station to attach a ballot paper template to your ballot paper.
Raised numbering and braille on the template guides you to the relevant openings that correspond to the candidate on the ballot paper.

1) Write 1 in the box beside the candidate of your first choice, write 2 in the box beside the candidate of your second choice, and so on.
2) Fold the paper to conceal your vote. Show the back of the paper to the presiding officer and put it in the ballot box.

Candidate List
The candidate corresponding to number 1 on the ballot paper template is Bowler – Irish Freedom Party. John Bowler, of Cappananee, Camp, Tralee, County Kerry, Retired.
The candidate corresponding to number 2 on the ballot paper template is Brassil – Fianna Fáil. John Brassil, of Dirtane, Ballyheigue, Co.Kerry, Public Representative/Pharmacist.
The candidate corresponding to number 3 on the ballot paper template is Cronin – Non Party. Ted Cronin, of 39 Lee Drive, Ballinorig, Tralee, Co.Kerry, Carer.
The candidate corresponding to number 4 on the ballot paper template is Daly – Sinn Féin. Pa Daly, of 23 Rock Street, Tralee, Co.Kerry, Solicitor.
The candidate corresponding to number 5 on the ballot paper template is Foley – Fianna Fáil. Norma Foley, of St.Joseph’s, Staughton’s Row, Tralee, Co.Kerry, Secondary School Teacher.
The candidate corresponding to number 6 on the ballot paper template is Foran – Aontú. Sonny Foran, of Cleandries, causeway, Tralee, Co.Kerry, Health Care Assistant.
The candidate corresponding to number 7 on the ballot paper template is Griffin – Fine Gael. Brendan Griffin, of Keel, Castlemaine, Co.Kerry, Full-time Public Representative.
The candidate corresponding to number 8 on the ballot paper template is Healy-Rae – Non Party. Danny Healy-Rae, of Main Street, Kilgarvin, Kerry, Public Representative.
The candidate corresponding to number 9 on the ballot paper template is Healy-Rae – Non Party. Michael Healy-Rae, of Sandymount, Kilgarvin, Co.Kerry, Public Representative.
The candidate corresponding to number 10 on the ballot paper template is Kennelly – Fine Gael. Mike Kennelly, Coolaclarig, Listowel, Co.Kerry, Public Representative.
The candidate corresponding to number 11 on the ballot paper template is Moriarty – Fianna Fáil. Norma Moriarty, of Main Street, Waterville, Co.Kerry, Public Representative.
The candidate corresponding to number 12 on the ballot paper template is Murphy – Green Party/Comhaontas Glas. Cleo Murphy, of Radharc na Mara, Rossacoosane, Templenoe, Co.Kerry, Carer/Freelance Media Producer.
The candidate corresponding to number 13 on the ballot paper template is O’Leary – Independent. Sean O’Leary, of Rossbrook, Kerry Pike, Co.Cork, Businessman.

1) Write 1 in the box beside the candidate of your first choice, write 2 in the box beside the candidate of your second choice, and so on.
2) Fold the paper to conceal your vote. Show the back of the paper to the presiding officer and put it in the ballot box.

2 - Gaeilge

Fáilte róimh go dtí líne chabhrach na bpáipéir ballóide dáilcheantar Cíarraí.
Brúigh uimhir a dó chun an teachtaireacht a chloisteáil i nGaeilge.

Más vótálaí lagamhairc tú ar mian leat votáil faoi rún, iarr ar an oifeagach cheannais i do stáisiún vótála teimpleád páipéir ballóide a cheangailt le do pháipéar ballóide.
Ar an teimpléad sin, treaoraíonn uimhriú ardaithe agus braille tú chuig na hoscailtí ábhartha a chomhfhreagraíonn leis na hiarrthóirí ar an bpáipéar ballóide.

1) Scríobh an figiúr 1 sa bhosca le hais an chéad iarrthóra is rogha leat, scríobh an figiúr 2 sa bhosca le hais an dara hiarrthóir is rogha leat, agus mar sin de.
2) Fill an páipéar ionas nach bhfeicfear do vóta. Taispeáin cúl an pháipéir don oifigeach ceannais, agus cuir sa bhosca ballóide é.

Liosta na nIarrthóirí
Uimhir a haon, Bowler – Irish Freedom Party. John Bowler, of Cappananee, Camp, Tralee, County Kerry, Retired.
Uimhir a dó, Brassil – Fianna Fáil. John Brassil, of Dirtane, Ballyheigue, Co.Kerry, Public Representative/Pharmacist.
Uimhir a trí, Cronin – Non Party. Ted Cronin, of 39 Lee Drive, Ballinorig, Tralee, Co.Kerry, Carer.
Uimhir a ceathair, Daly – Sinn Féin. Pa Daly, of 23 Rock Street, Tralee, Co.Kerry, Solicitor.
Uimhir a cuig, Foley – Fianna Fáil. Norma Foley, of St.Joseph’s, Staughton’s Row, Tralee, Co.Kerry, Secondary School Teacher.
Uimhir a sé, Foran – Aontú. Sonny Foran, of Cleandries, causeway, Tralee, Co.Kerry, Health Care Assistant.
Uimhir a seacht, Griffin – Fine Gael. Brendan Griffin, of Keel, Castlemaine, Co.Kerry, Full-time Public Representative.
Uimhir a hocht, Healy-Rae – Non Party. Danny Healy-Rae, of Main Street, Kilgarvin, Kerry, Public Representative.
Uimhir a naoi, Healy-Rae – Non Party. Michael Healy-Rae, of Sandymount, Kilgarvin, Co.Kerry, Public Representative.
Uimhir a deich, Kennelly – Fine Gael. Mike Kennelly, Coolaclarig, Listowel, Co.Kerry, Public Representative.
Uimhir a haon déag, Moriarty – Fianna Fáil. Norma Moriarty, of Main Street, Waterville, Co.Kerry, Public Representative.
Uimhir a dó dhéag, Murphy – Green Party/Comhaontas Glas. Cleo Murphy, of Radharc na Mara, Rossacoosane, Templenoe, Co.Kerry, Carer/Freelance Media Producer.
Uimhir a trí déag, O’Leary – Independent. Sean O’Leary, of Rossbrook, Kerry Pike, Co.Cork, Businessman.

1) Scríobh an figiúr 1 sa bhosca le hais an chéad iarrthóra is rogha leat, scríobh an figiúr 2 sa bhosca le hais an dara hiarrthóir is rogha leat, agus mar sin de.
2) Fill an páipéar ionas nach bhfeicfear do vóta. Taispeáin cúl an pháipéir don oifigeach ceannais, agus cuir sa bhosca ballóide é.